Saturday, August 31, 2019

Intro to Public Relations Notes

The Challenge of Public RelationsPR is multifaceted ?A public relations professional must have skills in ?Written and interpersonal communication ?Research ?Negotiation ?Creativity ?Logistics ?Facilitation ?Problem solving Global ScopeThe public relations industry is growing in many nations ?Almost $8 billion spent each year in the US ?Expected growth of 23% in Asian revenue in the next five years ?Annual spending of $2. 2 billion in China A Variety of DefinitionsA number of definitions have been formulated over the years Cutlip, Center, and Broom, Effective Public Relations ?Public relations is the management function that identifies, establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the various publics on whom its success or failure depends. ?Glen Cameron, University of Missouri ?Public relations is the â€Å"strategic management of competition and conflict for the benefit of one's own organization-and when possible-also for the mutual benefit of the organization and its various stakeholders or publics. † ?Public Relations Society of America (2012) Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics ?Kevin Trowbridge (2012) ?Public relations is the communication management function through which organizations build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with the public on whom the organization's success or failure depends.Public Relations – Key Terms†¢Communication†¢Management†¢Build and Maintain†¢Mutually Beneficial†¢Relationships†¢Organization†¢Publics RPIE†¢Research†¢Planning†¢Implementation†¢EvaluationDifferences between Journalism and PR Journalists|PR Professionals| Use only two components (writing and media relations)|†¢ Use many components| †¢ Are objective observers|†¢ Are advocates| †¢ Focus on a mass audience|†¢ Focus on def ined publics| †¢ Use only one channel|†¢ Use a variety of channelsDifferences between Advertising and PR Advertising|Public Relations| †¢ Works through mass media|†¢ Relies on a variety of communication tools| †¢ Addresses external audiences|†¢ Targets specialized audiences| †¢ Is a communications function|†¢ Is broader in scope| †¢ Is a communication tool in PR|†¢ Fills a support role| †¢ Sells goods and services|†¢ Creates a favorable environment for an organization's survival|How PR Supports Marketing†¢Eight ways public relations supports marketing ?Develops new prospects ?Provides third party endorsements ?Generates sales leads ?Paves the way for sales calls ?Stretches dollars ?Provides inexpensive literature ?Establishes credibility ?Helps sell minor products Differences between Marketing and PR Marketing|Public Relations|†¢ Is concerned with customers and selling products or services|†¢ Is concerned wit h building relationships and generating goodwill|†¢ Deals with target market, consumers, and customers|†¢ Deals with publics, audiences, and stakeholders|Toward an Integrated Perspective: Strategic Communication†¢Concept of integration: ?To use a variety of strategies and tactics to convey a consistent message in a variety of forms†¢Global/Multicultural†¢Research based†¢Relationship focused†¢internet/new media oriented†¢Toolbox-driven tacticsA Changing Focus in Public Relations†¢The evolution of the role of PR beyond publicity and media relations†¢Growth for PR professionals in health care, consumer goods, financial services, and technology†¢Crisis management in the larger context of strategic management of conflict Personal Qualifications and Attitudes Six Essential Abilities ?Writing skills ?Research ability ?Planning expertise ?Problem-solving ability ?Business/economics competence ?Expertise in social media 5 Emerging Trends in PR†¢Storytelling (and â€Å"story selling†)†¢Quantification†¢Visual Communications†¢Proactive and Predictive Monitoring†¢Adaptation 10 sills PR Pros will need in 2020†¢Advertising Copywriting†¢Video Editing/Production†¢Mobile†¢Social Content Creation/Curation†¢Analytics†¢Search Engine Optimization†¢Speed to Information†¢Programming Skills†¢Managing Virtual Teams†¢Blogger OutreachWhat Employers Want: 10 Qualities Good writing†¢IntelligenceCultural literacy†¢The ability to recognize a good story when you see one†¢Media savvy†¢Contacts†¢Good business sense†¢Broad communications experience†¢Specialized experience†¢Fresh perspective Organizational Roles†¢Communication technician roles ?Taking photographs ?Writing brochures ?Preparing news releases ?Organizing events†¢Communication manager roles ?Making communication policy decisions ?Overseeing multiple communication strategies ?Supervising employees responsible for tactics The Value of Internships†¢Win-win situation for both the student and the organization Many major PR firms have formal internship programs ?Edelman Worldwide (Edel-U) ?Weber Shandwick (Weber University) ?Hill and knowlton ?Ketchum Salaries in Public Relations†¢The national median salary for experienced professionals ?Approximately $85,000 for practitioners with 7 to 10 years of experience ?Over $150,000 for practitioners with more than 20 years of experience†¢In general, women working in the PR field earn less than men ?Factors that could lead to gender discrepancies ?The number of years in the field ?Technician duties versus managerial responsibilities ?The nature of the industry The size of the organization ?Women's attempts to balance work and familyThe Value of Public Relations†¢A service to society†¢Informative†¢Relevant†¢Earned influence through managing competition and co nflictA Brief History of Public Relations†¢In the beginning†¦ ?Moses and Aaron ?800 years later – Aristotle (â€Å"Father of Rhetoric†) ?300 years later – Jesus Christ ?†No one in history, before or since, could match his skill as a storyteller, a critical skill for public relations practitioners. † ?Then – the Apostle Paul†¢Ancient beginnings ?The Rosetta Stone ?Julius Caesar ?The Church Public relations in colonial America ?Promoting settlement ?Struggle for independence ?Boston Tea Party, Thomas Paine, Federalist Papers†¢The age of the press agent ?The age of hype ?Davy Crockett, Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley ?Press agent tactics ?The master of pseudoevent: P. T. Barnum ?Tom Thumb, Jenny Lind†¢Public relations grows as America grows ?Settling the American West ?Railroad promotion techniques†¢The rise of politics and activism ?Political beginnings ?Amos Kendall ?Activists ?Abolitionists ?Prohibitionists ?Women's ri ghts advocates ?Environmentalists†¢Modern public relations comes of age ?Henry Ford Positioning and accessibility ?Ivy Lee ?First public relations counselor ?Rockefeller ?Colorado Fuel and Iron Company labor strike ?George Creel ?WWI ?Edward Bernays ?Father of modern PR†¢Public relations expands in postwar America ?Rapid growth in all areas of public relations along with the development of mass media ?able to capture and seize information and give it to the media/people†¢Evolving practice and philosophy ?1800s to 1920s from press agentry to public information to scientific persuasion ?centered around the wars: How effective is propaganda? How do we pursued people that what we're doing is good? 1950s and '60s – Relationship building ?Necessitated by activism ?What was happening was about people, giving people equality, seeing people as unique and equal beings ?1970s and '80s – Managerial approach ?Investor relations and MBO (Management by Objective) ?MBO = Managerial approach PR adapted to ?1990s and '00s – Relationship management ?relationship building as well as relationship maintaining Four Models of Public Relations†¢Gruing and Hunt: ?Press agentry/publicity ?age of hype associated with P. T. Barnum ?Public information ?Ivy Lee, Edward Bernays comes in at the end of public information ?Two-way asymmetric listen to the people and tailor around their wants and needs ?Two-way symmetric ?the â€Å"ideal† mode of practice ?goal is to identify policies and actions that are mutually beneficial to both parties ?collaborative ?openness for the organization to change itself based on the consumerTrends in Today's Practice of Public Relations†¢Feminization of the field ?70% of PR practitioners are women ?Women earn less money than men ?Recent research ?PR was one of the first fields that allowed women to display their abilities†¢The importance of diversity ?Minorities constitute 36% of US citizens ?Hispanics are the fastest growing group Minority practitioners lag behind population trends ?Professional groups seek to encourage minority practitioners ?†Who do people trust? They trust people most like themselves. † ?Religious, gender, race, etc.†¢Other major trends in public relations ?Transparency ?Didn't become a trend until two-way asymmetric/symmetric ?An ever-broadening social medial toolbox ?Increased emphasis on evaluation ?Showing ROI (return on investment); showing that what we do has results ?Managing the 24/7 news cycle ?New directions in mass media ?Outsourcing to public relations firms ?The importance of lifelong learning looking for opportunities to develop yourself professionally; learning doesn't stop when school does A Growing Professional Practice†¢The Public Relations Society of America ?The largest national public relations organization in the world ?The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)†¢The International Association Business Communications ?The second-largest organization of communication and public relations professionals†¢The International Public Relations Association ?A London-based global organization Professionalism, Licensing, and Accreditation†¢Professionalism ?Professional practitioners should have: A sense of independence ?A sense of responsibility to society and public interests ?Concern for the competence and honor of the profession ?A higher loyalty to the profession than to an employer ?Careerist versus professional values ?Technician mentality†¢Licensing ?Advocates ?Defines PR, unifies curricula, unifies standards, protects clients, protects practitioners, raises practitioners' credibility ?Opponents ?Violates 1st amendment, malpractice laws exist, states license but PR works nationally/internationally, ensures only minimum competence/ethics, increased credibility not ensured, expensive Accreditation ?†Certification† by professional organizations ?PRSA and IABC o ffer accreditation Public Relations Departments†¢Importance of PR in today's organizations ?PR pros seen as strategic communication managers ?PR offers 184% ROI ?CEOs want communication that is strategic, research-based, and two-way†¢Organizational factors determined the role of public relations ?Large vs. small firms ?Management perceptions ?C-suite attitudes/reporting issues ?Capabilities of the public relations executive†¢How public relations departments are organized ?Leader titles ?Reporting hierarchy Size of departments†¢Common divisions found in large corporations ?Media relations, investor relations, consumer affairs, government relations, community relations, marketing communications, and employee communications Line and Staff Functions†¢Line manager ?Delegates, sets goals, hires, influences others' work†¢Staff function ?Little direct authority ?Indirectly influence others' work through suggestions, recommendations, advice ?PR is a staff functi on†¢Access to management ?PR influence is linked to access to top management ?Recommendations to management help in formulating policyLevels of Influence†¢Advisory: Management has no obligation to request or act on recommendations ?Purely advisory practitioners are often ineffective †¢Compulsory-advisory: Management is required to listen to public relations' perspective before acting †¢Concurring authority: PR and others must agree on an action Sources of Friction †¢Legal ?Differences on public statements †¢Human Resources ?Differences regarding employee communications †¢Advertising ?Competing for resources ?Philosophical differences †¢Marketing ?Focuses on one public: current or prospective customers The Trend toward Outsourcing Almost 90% of Fortune 500 companies use outside PR counsel in varying degrees ?The need for additional â€Å"arms and legs† ?To obtain a unique perspective and market insight Global Reach †¢Firms and their offices or affiliates are situated in most of the world's major cities and capitals †¢Substantial revenues from international operations Public Relations Firms †¢Firms have regional, national, and global reach †¢PR Firms can complement in-house expertise ?PR Firms offer diverse services †¢Rapid growth of PR firms †¢Emphasis on the counseling aspect †¢The rise of communication conglomerates Many firms are owned by communication conglomerates and thereby can offer integrated services (i. e. , PR and advertising expertise) through affiliates ?The reason for acquisition of PR firms ?Natural evolutionary step of integration ?Economic interest †¢Structure of a counseling firm ?Depends on size of firm ?Small firm may only have owner and one or two associates ?Large firms have an extended hierarchy Pros and Cons of Using a Public Relations Firm Advantages |Disadvantages| †¢ Objectivity| †¢ Part-time commitment| †¢ Skills and expertise| †¢ Need for long briefing| †¢ Extensive resources| †¢ Internal resentment| Offices throughout the country| †¢ Need for direction| †¢ Problem-solving skills| †¢ Need for information and confidence| †¢ Credibility| †¢ High costs| Fees and Charges †¢Basic hourly fee, plus out-of-pocket expenses ?Most widely used among large firms †¢Retainer fee †¢Fixed project fee †¢Pay for placement ?Seldom used Class Notes 1/28/2013 ?Ivy Lee and Edward Bernays are essential to Public Relations ?Bernays = father of modern public relations ?Public Relations Anagrams ?Crap Built On Lies ?Spout Brilliance ?Social Blueprint understand the bigger picture, map out a strategy, give instructions to people involved ?shift came with industrialization ?Ivy Lee – first pr counselor; first to say it's not just publicity ?declaration of principles (pg 49 in book) ?Advancing the concept that business and industry†¦ ?Dealing with top executives and carrying out†¦ ?Maintaining open communication with the news media ?Emphasizing the necessity of humanizing business†¦ Class Notes 2/4/2013†¢ Four essential steps of Public Relations†¢ Research situation – organization – publics†¢ What is Research? –What do you think of when you think of research?†¢ Science†¢ Studies†¢ Statistics†¢ So much!†¢ Searchable BackgroundChapter 5-6 Overview ?The four essential steps of effective public relations ?Research: The first step ?Research methods ?Planning: The second step Research: The first step ?Situation ?Organization ?Publics ?What is research? ?A form of listening ?Asking questions and looking for answers ?Essential to any public relations activity or campaign Questions to ask before research design ?What's the problem (or opportunity? ) ?organization ?situation ?publics ?Kind of information needed? ?How will results be used? ?Public (or publics)? ?Who should do it? ?How will data be analyzed/reported/applied? ?Timetable? ?Budget? Using Research ? Ways to research ?Achieve credibility with management ?Executives want facts, not guesses and hunches. ?Define/segment publics ?Gathering detailed information about demographics, lifestyles, characteristics, and consumption patterns helps to ensure that messages reach the proper audiences ?Formulate strategy Test messages ?Research can determine which message is most salient to a target audience ?Prevent crises ?An estimated 90% of organizational crises are caused by internal operational problems rather than by unexpected natural disasters or external issues ?Professionals can prevent a conflict or crisis through environmental scanning and other research tactics ?Monitor competition ? Organizations keep track of what the competition is doing ?Research on the competition can be done with surveys, content analysis of the competition's media coverage, and reviews of industry reports in trade journals Generate publicity ?Polls and surveys can generate publicity for an organization ?Measure Success ?The bottom line of any public relations program is whether the time and money spend accomplished the state objective Research Methods ?Types of Research ?Informal research ?Unplanned/spontaneous, Uncontrolled, Unsystematic ?Formal Research ?Planned, controlled, systematic ?Secondary research ?existing information ?Primary research ?New/original information ?Methodological Approaches ?Historical/Critical ?Rhetorical/textual/content analysis ? Qualitative Exploratory, rich data, often not generalizable ?Focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations ?Quantitative ?Descriptive/explanatory, often generalizable ?Mail surveys, telephone polls Qualitative vs. Quantitative Qualitative Research|Quantitative Research| â€Å"Soft† data|†Hard† data| Usually uses open-ended questions, unstructured|Usually uses closed-ended questions, requires forced choices, highly structured| Exploratory in nature; probing, â€Å"fishing expedition† type of research|Descriptive or explanatory type of research| Usually valid, but not reliable|Usually valid and reliable| Rarely projectable to larger audiences|Usually projectable to larger audiences| Typically uses nonrandom samples|Typically uses random samples| Examples: Focus groups; one-on-one, in-depth interviews; observation; participation; role-playing studies; convenience polling|Examples: Telephone polls; mail surveys, mail-intercept studies; face-to-face interviews; shared cost, or omnibus, studies; panel studies| Research Techniques ?Organizational materials ?read every piece of information on an organization's website ?Library and online databases Journal of Public Relations Research ?Internet ? Any number of corporations, nonprofit organizations, trade groups, special-interest groups, foundations, universities, think tanks, and government agencies post reams of data in the Internet. ?Content analysis ?The systematic and objective counting or categorizing of content ?In public relations, content often is selected from media coverage of a topic or organization ?Interviews ?Personnel faced with solving a particular problem often â€Å"interview† other public relations professionals for ideas and suggestions ?Focus groups This technique is widely used in advertising, marketing, and public relations to help identify the attitudes and motivations of important publics ?Copy testing ?A draft of a material/message tested on a group of people before it is sent out to the public; can happen within a focus group ? Scientific sampling methods Random Sampling ?Probability Sampling ?Everyone in the target audience has an equal chance of being selected ?Nonprobability sample is not random ?Most precise random sample is selected from list naming everyone in the target audience Sample Size Usually a sample of 250 to 500 people will provide data with a 5 to 6 percent margin of error ?A sample of 100 people will provide about a 10 percent margin ?responses could go 10% either way Reaching Respondents ? Mail questionnaires ?Telephone surveys ?Personal interviews ?Piggyback surveys ?Web and e-mail surveys Research: Let's Practice ?What's the problem (or opportunity)? ?Kind of information needed? ?How will results be used? ?Public (or publics)? ?Who should do it? ?How will data be analyzed/reported/applied? ?Timetable? ?Budget? *Articulate the benefit, value, or need for public relations – possible quiz/test question Planning: The Second Step ?Planning must be strategic and systematic ?Planning involves the coordination of multiple methodsElements of a Public Relations Plan1. Situation Analysis ?Public relations professionals cannot set valid objectives without a clear understanding of the situation that led to the conclusion that there was a need for a public relations program 2. Goals 3. Key Publics (or Target Audiences) ?Public relations programs should be directed toward specific and defined audiences or publics 4. Objectives ?Once the situation or problem is understood, the next step is to establish objectives for the program. 5. Strategies ?A strategy statement describes how, in concept, a campaign will achieve objectives; it provides guidelines and themes for the overall program 6. Tactics ?Tactics describe, in sequence, the specific activities that put strategies into operation and achieve the stated objectives 7. Materials 8. Activities Calendar/Timeline/Responsibilities (WBS) ?The three aspects of timing in a program plan are deciding when a campaign should be conducted, determining the proper sequence of activities, and compiling a list of steps that must be completed to produce a finished product 9. Evaluation/Measurement The evaluation element of a plan relates directly back to the state objectives of the program. objectives must be measurable in some ways to show clients and employers that the program accomplished its purpose 10. Budget ? Both clients and employers inevitably ask, â€Å"How much will this program cost? † Holy GOST of Public Relations Planning ?Goals – Where you want to go ?Objectives – How you know when you get there ?Desired Result: Awareness, Acceptance or Action ?Key Public ?Measure/Level of Accomplishment ?Timeframe/Deadline ?Strategies – How are you going to get there ?Tactics – What you'll need to get there The GOST must be aligned! Planning: Let's Practice ?Goals ?Objectives ?Strategies ?Creative ?e. g. , themes, messages Implementation: The Third Step ?Implementation ?May be called â€Å"communication† ?Or may be referred to as â€Å"execution† ?Is the process and the means by which objectives are achieved (i. e. , strategy is implemented) ?Tactics are developed to implement the plan ?Logistics are managed Public relations is the communication management function through which organizations build and maintain mutually beneficial rel ationships with the publics on whom the organization's success or failure depends. Communication: the systemic process of creating meaning Goals of Strategic Communication ?Awareness ?Message exposure ?Public relations personnel provide materials to the mass media and disseminate other messages through controlled media such as a newsletters and brochures ?Accurate dissemination ?The basic information, often filtered by media gatekeepers, remains intact as it is transmitted through various media ?Acceptance ?Attitude change ?the audience not only believes the message but also makes a verbal or mental commitment to change behavior as a result of the message ? Action ?Behavior change Members of the audience actually change their current behavior or purchase the product and use it Making Sure the Audience Receives the Message ?Schramm's model ?Source > Encoder > Signal < Decoder < Destination ?Expanded reflects two-way communication ?Grunig's model of symmetrical communication ?Understanding is the principle objective of public relations rather than persuasion Making Sure the Audience Pays Attention to the Message ?Theoretical perspectives ?Lasswell's definition of communication ?†Who says what, ?in which channel, ?to whom, ?with what effect? † ? Media uses and gratification ?Passive audiences Active audiences Making Sure the Audience Understands the Message ?Importance of language ?Understand cultural differences ?Check writing for simplicity and clarity ?Readability formulas: Flesch, Cloze ?Use symbols, acronyms, easy-to-remember slogans ?Avoid jargon, cliche, hype, euphemisms, discriminatory language Making the Message Credible ?Source credibility ?The problem of source credibility is the main reason that organizations, whenever possible, use respected outside experts or celebrities as representatives to convey their messages ? Context of the message ?Action (performance) speaks louder than a stack of news releases Involvement ?Involvement is interest in or concern about an issue or a product Making the Message Memorable ?Repetition ?Necessary because all members of a target audience don't see or hear the message at the same time ?Reminds the audience, so there is less chance of failure to remember the message ?Remember the message ?Can lead to Improved Learning and increase the chance of penetrating audience indifference or resistance ?Offsets the noise surrounding the message ?Contributes to credibility ? Delivering information in a variety of ways via multiple communication channels Communication Channels ?Face to Face Mediated ?Owned Media ?Paid Media ?Earned Media ?Shared Media Making Sure the Audience Acts on the Message ?Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations ?A process by which any innovation is diffused through certain channels and then adopted over time among members of a social system Innovation: Anything New (e. g. , Idea, Method, Product, Service, etc. ) ?Relative Advantage ?The degree to which an innovation is perceived as better than the idea it replaces ?Compatibility ?The degree to which an innovation is perceived as being consistent with the existing values, experiences, and needs of potential adopters Complexity ?Degree to which an innovation is perceived as being easy to adopt ?Trialability ? The degree to which an innovation may be experienced on a limited basis ?Observability ?The degree to which the results of an innovation are visible to others Stages of the Adoption Process ?Awareness ?A person becomes aware of an idea or a new product, often by means of an advertisement or a news story ?Interest ?The individual seeks more information about the idea or the product, perhaps by ordering a brochure, picking up a pamphlet, or reading an in-depth article in a newspaper or magazine ?Evaluation The potential consumer evaluates the idea or the product on the basis of how it meets specific needs and wants. Feedback from friends and family is part of this process ?Trial ?The person tries the product or the idea on an experimental basis, by using a sample, witnessing a demonstration, or making qualifying statements such as â€Å"I read†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ?Adoption ?The individual begins to use the product on a regular basis or integrates the idea into his or her belief system. â₠¬Å"I read†¦Ã¢â‚¬  becomes â€Å"I think†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Evaluation: The Fourth Step ?Evaluation is the measurement of results against agreed-upon objectives established during planning Evaluation improves the public relations process Three Kinds of Evaluation ?Ongoing ?Summative ?Formative (Research? ) Basic Evaluation Questions ?Adequately planned? ?Message(s) understood? ?How could strategy have been more effective? ?Audiences reached? ?Objectives achieved? ?What was unforeseen? ?Budget met? ?Future improvements? Objectives: Prerequisites for Measurement ?Develop a clearly established set of measurable objectives ?Outcome ?Awareness ?Acceptance ?Action ?Output Measurement and Evaluation Status ?3 Levels of Measurement ?Basic ?Measuring ?Targeted Audiences Impressions ? Media Placements ?Intermediate ?Retention ?Comprehension ?Awareness ?Reception ?Advanced ?Behavior Change ?Attitude Change ?Opinion Change Measurement of Message Exposure ?Compile clippings/mentions ?Most widely used metric ?Media Impressions ?Placement x circulation/viewership/listenership ?Internet hits ?Advertising equivalency ?Space/time x advertising rate ?Systematic tracking ?Analyze volume and content of media placements ?Information requests ?Cost per person ?Audience attendance Measurement of Audience Awareness, Attitudes, and Action ?Audience awareness ?survey day-after recall ?Audience attitude ?related to awareness ?baseline/benchmark studies ?Audience action ?the ultimate objective of any public relations effort ?measure desired behaviors Chapter 7 – Public Opinion and Persuasion Overview ?What is public opinion? ?Opinion leaders as catalysts ?The role of mass media ?The role of conflict ?Persuasion in public opinion ?Factors in persuasive communication ?The limits of persuasion What is public opinion? ?Three aspects about public opinion formation ?Society is passive Psychologists have found that the public by and large tends to be passive ?Society is segmented ?One issue may engage the attention of a part of the population with a particular vested interest, whereas another issue arouses the interest of another segment ?Society is divided ? People have some opinions that may conflict or compete with others' opinions about the same issue. People also sometimes hold contradictory opinions or attitudes ?Public Opinion is powerful ?Activate public through public opinion ?Identify key publics through analysis of public opinion What do you think? What is the role of opinion leaders in the formation of public opinion? Opinion Leaders as Catalysts ?Opinion leaders can be formal or informal ?Interested in a particular issue ?Knowledgeable on a given topic ?They help frame and define issues that often have their roots in individuals' self-interests ?It is through the influence of opinion leaders that public opinion often crystallizes into a measurable entity ?The flow of opinion ? Multiple-Step Flow ?Opinion makers derive large amounts of information from the mass media and other sources and share that information with people The attentive public is interested in the issue but rely on opinion leaders to synthesize and interpret information ?The inattentive public are unaware of or uninterested in the issue and remain outside the opinion-formation process ?N-Step Theory ?N-step theory states that individuals are seldom influenced by only one opinion leader but actually interact with different leaders ?Diffusion Theory ?Individuals adopt new ideas or products in five stages: awareness, interest, trial, evaluation, and adoption. Individuals are influenced by media in the first two steps and by friends and family members in the third and fourth steps. Each individual is a decision maker who adopts a new idea or product when they reach the final step The Role of Mass Media ?Agenda setting ?media tell the public what to think about, albeit not necessarily what to think ?Framing ?media and PR both have role in how issues are â€Å"framed,† which parts are emphasized The role of Conflict ?Conflict inherent in news frames ?Use of media for strategic agenda-building Persuasion in Public Opinion ?Persuasion is used to†¦ ?change or neutralize hostile opinions ?crystalize latent opinions and positive attitudes ?maintain favorable opinions Persuasion and Negotiation Persuasion is comparable to negotiation ?Public relations can be used as a tool leading to the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process Factors in Persuasive Communication ?Audience Analysis ? Knowledge of audience characteristics such as beliefs, attitudes, values, concerns, and lifestyles is an essential part of persuasion. It helps communicators tailor messages that are salient, answer a perceived need, and provide a logical course of action. ?Appeals to Self-Interest ?People become involved in issues or pay attention to messages that appeal to their psychological, economic, or situational needs. Audience Participation ?Attitude or beliefs are changed or enhanced by audience involvement and participation. ?Suggestions for Action ?A key principle of persuasion is that people endorse ideas and take actions only if they are accompanied by a proposed action from the sponsor. ?Source Credibility ? A message is more believable to an intended audience if the source has credibility with that audience. ?Clarity of Message ?Many messages fail because the audience finds them unnecessarily complex in content or language ?Content and Structure of Messages ?Channels Different media with different features can be used for diverse public relations purposes. ?Timing and Contexts ?A message tends to be more persuasive if environmental factors support the message or if the message is received within the context of other messages and situations with which the individual is familiar ?Reinforcement ?People tend to ignore or react negatively to messages that conflict with their value or belief systems Appeals to Self-interest ?Appeal to psychological, economic, or situational needs ?Maslow's hierarchy of needs Audience Participation ?Workers involving in the problem solving Distribution of samples ?The act of participation encouraged by activist groups Suggestions for Action ? Recommendations for action must be clear to follow Source Credibility ?Expertise ?Sincerity ?Charisma Clarity of Message ?Public relations practitioners should ask two questions ?Will the audience understand the message? ?What do I want the audience to do with the message? Content and structure of messages ?Drama and stories ?Surveys and polls ?Statistics ?Examples ?Endorsements ?Causes and rationales ?Emotional appeals Channels ?Different media can be used for diverse public relations purposes television ?newspaper ?radio ?social networking sites ?face-to-face communication Timing and Context ?Timing and context should be considered for achieving publicity in the mass media as well as for being persuasive Reinforcement ?A public relations campaign should be in sync with an audience's core value or belief system Limits of persuasion ?Lack of message penetration ?Competing or conflict messages ?Self-selection ?Self perception Chapter 8: Managing competition and conflict Overview ?A new way of thinking: conflict and competition ?the role of public relations in managing conflict it depends: factors that affect conflict management ?the conflict management life cycle ?managing the life cycle of a conflict A New Way of Thinking: Conflict and Competition ?Public relations can be defined as the strategic management of competition and conflict ?Competition ?Conflict Role of public relations in managing conflict ?Strategic conflict management ?Conflict is inherent in public relations process ?PR professionals must develop communication strategies to manage the conflict What do you think? ?What are some real world examples of conflict management? Is conflict always bad for organizations? Why or why not? It Depends: Factors that Affect Conflict Management ?Stance-drive approach in managing conflict and competition ?External and internal variables > stance > strategy The Threat Appraisal Model ?PR professionals monitor for threats, assess those threats, arrive at a desirable stance for the organization, and then begin communications efforts from that stance ?situational demands ?resources Contingency theory ?Contingency factors ?a matrix of factors drive the stance ?The contingency continuum ?The stance is dynamic; it changes as events unfold The Conflict Management Life Cycle Proactive – to prevent a conflict from arising ?environmental scanning ?issues tracking ?issues management ?crisis planning ? Strategic – emerging conflict is identified as needing action ?risk communication ?conflict positioning ?crisis management ?Reactive – must react when conflict reaches a critical level of impact ?crisis communication ?litigation pr ?conflict resolutions ?Recovery – strategies employed aftermath to bolster or repair reputation ?reputation management ?image restoration Managing the Life Cycle of a Conflict ?Four systematic processes ?Issues management A proactive approach to ?predict problems ?anticipate threats ?minimize surprises ?resolve issues ?prevent crises ?Strategic positioning and risk communication ? Strategic positioning ?communication efforts to position the organization favorably regarding competition and conflict ?Risk communication ?an attempt to communicate risks to the public that impact health, safety, and the envorinment ?Crisis management ?Smoldering crises ?a study but the institute for crisis management found that 86% of business crises were â€Å"smoldering crises. † ?How various organizations respond to crises Coombs' crisis communication strategies ?attack the accuser ?denial ?excuse ?justification ?ingratiation ?corrective action ?full apology ?Reputation management ?The three foundations of reputation ?economic performance ?social responsiveness ?the ability to deliver valuable outcomes to stakeholders ?Image restoration ?denial ?evade responsibility ?reduce offensiveness ?corrective action ?apology Deja Vu – All over again ?Conflict management is like deja vu all over again by starting once again with tasks such as environmental scanning and issues tracking Chapter 9: Ethics and the Law Overview ?What is ethics? ?Professional guidelines ?Dealing with the news media ?Public relations and the law ?Employee communications ?Copyright law ?Fair use versus infringement ?Trademark law ?Regulations by government agencies ?Liability for sponsored events ?Working with lawyers What is Ethics? ?Value system by which a person determines what is right or wrong What Do You Think? ?How can a public relations practitioner play the role of an â€Å"ethical advocate? † The Ethical Advocate ?The ethical advocate is operating within an assigned role ?Ethical decisions are made based on the public interest ?the interests of employer/client ?professional organization code of ethics ?personal values Professional Guidelines ?PRSA Code of Ethics ?Values ?Advocacy ?Serving the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for clients or employers ?Honesty ? Adhering to the highest standards of accuracy and truth in advancing the interest of clients and employers ?Expertise ?Advancing the profession through continued professional development, research, and education ?Independence ?Providing objective counsel and being accountable for individual actions ?Loyality Being faithful to clients and employers, but also honoring an obligation to serve the public interest ?Fairness ?Respecting all opinions and supporting the right of free expression ?Provisions ?Free flow of information ?Competition ?Disclosure of information ?Safeguarding confidence ?Conflicts of interest ?Enhancing the profession Codes of Conduct ?The role of professional organizations ?public relations society of america (PRSA) and international association of business communicators (IABC) ?to set the standards and ethical behavior of the public relations profession Ethics in Individual Practice Ethics in public relations begins with the individual, and is directly related to h is or her own value system as well as to the good of society Dealing With the News Media ?Trust ?Gift giving undermines the relationship between public relations professionals and the media ? Transparency Public Relations and the Law ?Defamation ?libel (printed), slander (oral) ?making a false statement about a person or organization that creates public hatred, contempt or ridicule, or inflicts injury on reputation ?Avoiding libel suites ?four requirements for filing a libel suit ?false statement ?identified or identifiable actual injury ?negligence Employee Communications ?Product publicity and advertising ?written permission required ?Employee free speech ?freedom of expression ?employees are limited in expressing opinions within the corporate environment ?privacy vs monitoring ?FOIA and government officials ?whistle-blowing Copyright Law ?Copyright is the protection of creative work from unauthorized use ?registration is not a condition of copyright protection, but it is a prerequisite to an infringement action against unauthorized use by others ? What organizational materials should be copyrighted? How can you use the copyrighted materials of others? Fair Use Versus Infringement ?Fair use allows partial use of copyrighted material with attribution ?Permission is required if used in advertisements or promotional items ?New copyright issues on the internet have been raised ?Rule of thumb: ?get permission ?give credit The Rights of Photographers and Artists ?Freelance and commercial photographers retain ownership of their work ?The rights of freelance writers ?unless a company has a specific contract with a freelance writer to produce work that will be exclusively owned by that company, the freelancer owns his or her work Trademark Law ?Trademarks are registered words, names, symbols, or devices used to identify a product ?The protection of trademarks ?always capitalized never used as nouns (Kleenex tissues, Xerox copies) ?Trademark infringement ?the downside for a corporation who trademark becomes too commonly used Misappropriation of Personality ?A form of trademark infringement ?Unauthorized use of well-known entertainers, professional athletes, and other public figures in an organization's publicity and advertising materials Regulations by Government Agencies ?The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ?The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ?Other regulatory agencies ?The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ?The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms ?The Federal Communications Commission Liability for Sponsored Events ?Plant tours and open houses ?Considerations ?logistics ?work disruptions ?safety ?staffing Working with Lawyers ?A cooperative relationship must exist between public relations personnel and legal counsel

Friday, August 30, 2019

How Did the Indsutrial Development Unite or Divide the North and the South Essay

During the Civil War, the advances of the Industrial Revolution introduced great changes in the industrial and technological development. Both the North and the South created many advances in railroad and water transportation. The Union, however, was far more advanced technologically than the Confederate states . Consequently, the North made greater and more effective use of progress in weapons, communication, transportation and medicine than South . Although the industrial development made the nation very widely known, both the south and the north were divided because their differences. The Civil War was the first modern war that helped strengthen the technology and industrial system. But their industry and technology distinguished the two sides, which represented different economic conditions. The North had developed a strong economy that was becoming day-by-day more industrialized. By the nineteenth century, large factories and organizations sprang up throughout the north. Also, the population of the country was increasing and immigrants from all over Europe came along. The North was becoming a huge success but the South was falling behind. The North was rising in a higher success rate than the South. The Union flourished more factories and more transportation. Canals were being handmade, there was an increase of labor force and there it was becoming more adequate to transport product through trains . Inventions were also becoming to life. For example, the Telegraph was becoming a extremely useful. Invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, the Telegraph was inexpensive to make and was ideal for long distance communication. The north had more advantages in growing the economy because it had twice as big as the population from the south. It had much greater man power and it had a better work force. Many factories from the north built war material to supply to the Union. However, slavery was decreasing around the 1860’s and factories were pouring in by the immigrants from Europe. In fact, seven out of every eight immigrants that traveled to the U. S. settled in the North rather than the South. The economy in the North was also increasing therefore immigrants settled there to establish their own business. Northerners were far more likely to have careers in business, medicine, or education . Also, children were slightly more prone to attend school than Southern children. As for the South, the warm climate and the fertile soil made it ideal for farmers to grow significant amounts of crops. There were more abundant natural resources in the south and because agriculture was so profitable few Southerners saw a need for industrial development . There were no large cities aside from a few known places. Most of the known cities existed near shipping ports to send agricultural produce to Northern destinations. However, the South had difficulty with transportation and most products were sent by water. Only a few train tracks were located in the South. In the other hand, Southern children tended to spend less time in school and most Southern families based their teachings in gravitating toward military careers as well as agriculture . The first half of the nineteenth century was a time of expansion and improvement of transportation systems. States in the North and the Midwest chartered and built overland roads and turnpikes. The Turnpike Era† (1790-1820) consisted of Americans relying on roads for internal transportation. Canals, such as the Erie Canal, tied New York City to the Great Lakes. Steamboats and railroads improved the movement of goods and people, forging ties that served both sides well during the Civil War. The first federal charter corporation that created the dream of the transcontinental railroad was the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the Central Pacific Company . Both of these companies gathered many immigrants, at low pay, to work massive hours to construct the railroad. However, better transportation fostered an upgrade on trade within the country and dispersed new civilization to the west. The industrial revolution created many social problems. Poverty became a growing concern, especially the fact that factory wages were scarcely adequate for family survival . Most residents experienced hunger and destitution. Among the poor, child labor was very common. Most parents forced their children to look for jobs instead of going to school for survival. Southerners often cited these factors as crimes whenever the North challenged its institution of slavery. The Industrial Revolution brought Southern landowners an invention that they adopted and embraced: The Cotton Gin. Invented by Eli Whitney, the cotton gin made slavery profitable and made cotton the nation’s number one export . The South also adopted the steam engine, mainly to aid the cotton gin and to use on steamships to transport cotton. Ironically, the success of the cotton gin, by fostering slavery, helped to separate the two sides of the country and bring about the Civil War. The pace of immigration also stimulated economic growth while increasing differences between North nd South. Immigrants, mostly from Europe at this time, were supplied with low-cost labor. Most immigrants lived in the North where jobs were constantly available but had no respect to the workers. The use of standard, interchangeable parts, especially the manufacturing of guns, clocks, and sewing machines , allowed the nation to advance technologically by using unskilled workers. During the Civil War, with Southern representatives of Congress gone and the Republican Party controlling the house of Congress and the presidency, â€Å"the government set about to aid business and technology†. In 1862, the Department of Agriculture was founded. It provided a national center to coordinate agricultural development and promote scientific farming. â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. † This quotation was from Abraham Lincoln in 1858. Abraham Lincoln did not want the North and South to separate but for the Industry to grow bigger . In the first part of the quotation, â€Å"A house divided against itself cannot stand†, portrays that the United States needs to be UNITED not divided. A house needs to stand tall and not let anything else break it down. It is true that the â€Å"government cannot endue permanently half-slave and half-free† because this needs to be a united country not a haft this haft that country. Lincoln convinced others that the United States could not be this way. It had to bet glued together again and it had to abolish anything that was not right. However, throughout time, The Divided States of America was soon becoming the United States of America. After Lincoln’s death, three amendments were ratified that help America put back to place. The 13th amendment concluded that slavery was officially abolished . The 14th amendment granted â€Å"all persons born or naturalized in the United States, â€Å"to be citizens which included former slaves that were freed . The 15th amendment granted African Americans the right to vote . These three amendment helped bit by bit to repair the United States. Even though today there is still a difference in the North and South, our nation will always be together. The United States grew tremendously during the Industrial Revolution. Inventions were made, transportation was spread out, new jobs were increasing and more knowledge was diffusing. Throughout time, our population was growing and our nation got to spread out to the west to expand our land and culture. Even though our presidents may have made mistakes, we get to learn what we have done wrong and use that in our future. Our nation may have been divided for awhile but we can always retain it back. Back where it always was, united.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Professional Regulation and Criminal Liability Paper Essay

The principle of the Hippocratic Oath is one of the oldest binding documents in history. The oath states: I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art. I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft. Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves. Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private. So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate. (U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014) Medical Board of California The Medical Board of California is the agency responsible for regulating physicians, surgeons and other allied health professions. The members of the board are appointed by the Governor of the state and have a four year term legislature. It is the responsibility of the members of the board to meet as one deliberating body. In addition, the board members are required to learn about policies and statutes of both licensing and enforcement functions. California Licensure Physician Statute There is no single physician licensure statute in the state of California. Instead, physician licensure rules have been interspersed within the California code. Physicians wishing to practice medicine in California are required to obtain a full medical license issued by the state. Furthermore, there are no administrative regulations or state statue for granting a  special or limited license to practice in the state remotely via telemedicine. The California licensure does not allow for license reciprocity between any states but allows physicians for consultative services without having to receive a full medical licensure. Moreover, licensed physicians in the military in any of the states, either a military physician officer or a civilian contract employee, are allowed to care for fellow military members without having to receive additional licensure. In the event of an emergency situation, a physician is allowed to administer care regardless if the physician is licensed in that part icular state. A physical examination is required by the California Medical Board Licensure to allow administration or prescription of medication over the internet. Investigative Role The investigative team consists of physicians that are a critical component to the board as they base its disciplinary actions on the opinions of physicians and not board staff. Physicians play a distinct role in the investigations. The board receives and reviews incoming complaints in the Central Complaint Unit (CCU). The physicians determine if there is a need for formal investigation by board investigative staff or if the complaint is largely resolved by a preliminary review of the medical records and the accompanying physician narrative statement. Medical experts are asked to review case materials and must clearly articulate whether the physician’s care under review fell below the standard. They must give their opinion if there is a potential violation of the Medical Practice Act. Business and Professions Code Section 2050-2079 According to the Federation of State Medical Boards, the 10th Amendment police power grants states the right to regulate the practice of medicine. Section 2052 of the Business and Professions Code states that any person who practices or attempts to practice, or who advertises or holds himself or herself out as practicing, any system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted in this state, or who diagnoses, treats, operates for, or prescribes for any ailment, blemish, deformity, disease, disfigurement, disorder, injury, or other physical or mental condition of any person, without having at the time of so doing a valid, unrevoked, or unsuspended  certificate as provided in this chapter or without being authorized to perform the act pursuant to a certificate obtained in accordance with some other provision of law is guilty of a public offense, punishable by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision of Section 1170 of the Penal Code, b y imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both the fine and either imprisonment (California Business and Professions Code, 2014). Civil Complaint Process The two major categories of incoming complaints to the Medical Care Board of California by the consumers are quality of care and personal conduct. All complaints require physician review and all complaints which are not closed by CCU staff are referred to one of the board’s district offices for formal investigation. According to the Medical Board, each district office is staffed with a supervising investigator, five investigators, a deputy attorney general, an investigator assistant, clerical support staff and one or more medical consultants (The Medical Board of California, 2014). Risk Management & Quality Assurance It is important that physicians are credentialed and are given privileges in any health care organization prior to practicing medicine. Physicians must receive training and education in risk management and review of federal and state regulations mandates. A successful risk management strategy is to improve the quality of patient care and reduce the probability of an adverse outcome or a medical malpractice claim. Its objective is to reduce the risk to patients and liability to the physician. Furthermore, the foundation for risk management is the standard of care. Tracking the quality of care of physicians must include Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluations (OPPE) and a peer review committee within an organization. Criminal Prosecution for Malpractice Physicians are in a unique position in regard to the law by the nature of their work. A physician may face a charge of criminal negligence, manslaughter, or second-degree murder if a patient in his care suffers severe or lethal injuries. â€Å"Negligence law offers plaintiffs the legal framework upon which to build their civil suit. A plaintiff in a medical  malpractice action must satisfy four elements-duty, breach, causation and damage- in order to prevail. In a negligence case, the wrongdoer’s actions are compared to what would be expected of a reasonable and prudent person in the same or similar circumstance† (Monico, Kulkarni, & Calise, 2013). The practice of medicine is full of uncertainties. In some cases, bad outcome is the result of physician negligence. The patient and/or his family may institute a civil suit for malpractice if they believe that the bad outcome was a result of the physician’s actions. It is very rare that a prosecutor decides the fact s of a case warrant a charge of criminal malpractice. The prosecutors must see a repetitive negligent behavior that constitutes to a pattern that can be documented before criminal charges can be filed. Conclusion The medical profession has many dedicated people who give themselves and sacrifices for the sake of saving lives. Physicians practice their profession according to the Hippocratic Oath. Furthermore, the have learned the rules and regulations mandated by the Federal and State government in health care delivery. Quality of health care is an important objective of CMS. Physicians are required to adhere to the standards of quality care and the delivery of it. When physicians get in trouble with the law, they have to face various criminal and civil charges based on the severity of their case. In the current trend, doctors commit white-collar crimes when they take kickbacks, order questionable procedures, overbill patients and insurance companies, and bill for services they did not provide. The Medical Board of California ensures safety and protection of health care consumers through proper licensing and regulation of physicians by means of various objective enforcement of the Medical Practice Act. References California Business and Professions Code. (2014). Business and Professions Code Section 2050-2079. Retrieved from Medical Board of California. (2013). Guide to the Laws Governing the Practice of Medicine by Physicians and Surgeons. Retrieved from Monico, E., Kulkarni, R., & Calise, A. (2013). The Criminal Prosecution of Medical Negligence. Retrieved from The Medical Board of California. (2014). Laws and Regulations. Retrieved from U.S. National Library of Medicine. (2014). The Hippocratic Oath. Retrieved from

Some people say there is no point in trying to regulate cybermut. What Assignment

Some people say there is no point in trying to regulate cybermut. What do you think and why - Assignment Example Cybermut payment services allow buyers worldwide to do shopping twenty four by seven. It is a multilingual and multicurrency system that can function and accept payment cards in any currency (euros, dollars, yen etc.). It simply provide their customers with a simple and secure methods to pay their payments and purchases done via customers bank which record transactions. It offers essential advantages to make a transfer payment. It is simply a payment system which is done for free without imposing any critical and complicated rules or regulations. It generate the acknowledgment of delivery of the confirmation of payment. In short Cybermut System can regarded as a simple web service to ensure the online transaction or transfer payments are more secure. There’s is no substantial point in trying not to regulate Cybermut. It is accepted that every service has its own pros and cons but in this case advantages outnumbered

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Burke's arguments against the French Revolution Essay

Burke's arguments against the French Revolution - Essay Example Burke’s work concerns two important consequences of the French Revolution. First, is his focus on aspects connected with the ‘terror’, and second, are those aspects of French thought which had gone into informing the general tenets of individual liberty and democracyBurke’s work concerns two important consequences of the French Revolution with respect to the present discussion. First, is his focus on aspects connected with the ‘terror’, and second, are those aspects of French thought which had gone into informing the general tenets of individual liberty and democracy. In both senses, and to the extent that these are examined mostly from a historical standpoint, he is deeply concerned with the consequences of various forms of change. That is, and in his own words, he is not interested in problems in the â€Å"abstract principles† [Burke, 1987: 109] . The terror is a period of history marking the French Revolution, and it is characterized as the term suggests, with extreme acts of depravity. During the reign of the French terror, priests, aristocrat's and various sympathizers were often indiscriminately burned or hanged – and, private property suffered a similar fate: â€Å"frauds, impostures, violences, rapines, burnings, murders, confiscations, compulsory paper currencies, and every description of tyranny and cruelty employed to bring about and to uphold this Revolution have their nature effect, that is, to shock the moral sentiments of all virtuous and sober minds, the abettors of this philosophic system immediately strain their throats in a declamation against the old monarchical government of France† [Burke, 1987: 108]. The ‘terror’ poses a number of problems for Burke. It was a period of history – contemporary as he writes this work, where freedom was equated with a complete disregard for â€Å"moral sentiments of all virtuous and sober minds†. For Burke, the lack of hie rarchy and political authority, results in barbarous extremes or indeed, chaos. He does equivocate in his condemnation of this situation, but what is important, is that it informs his judgment of what ‘the state of nature’ or a ‘state without authority’ is characteristic of. As a subject of Britain, he raises much concerning the Revolution of 1688, but sees a far more positive outcome. The ‘Glorious Revolution’ in Britain, brought about the institution of Parliament, and for Burke the English predilection to constitutional authority, is much preferred to the terror in this respect. Aside from the extremes of the ‘terror’, he views greater autonomy and freedom with cultural and not simply political repercussions. In this sense, he might be regarded as a Platonist or an elitist. That is, a hierarchy must be maintained not simply to exert direct political control or authority, but also to convey a moral standard or what might be descr ibed as a standard of ‘taste’, so to speak. By this, it is implied to the extent that he is critical of the ‘decadence’ that greater freedom and autonomy (especially in Britain) has brought about. One could describe this social criticism as essentially a critique of the ‘nouveau riche’, over and against the preferred sentiments of aristocratic values. Concerning the nouveau riche, for example, he asserts: â€Å"Why should the expenditure of a great landed property, which is a dispersion of the surplus product of the soil, appear intolerable to you or to me when it takes its course through the accumulation of vast libraries [Burke, 1987: 142]. The freedom of the many – or, even a ‘select’ many (e.g. the Bourgeoisie) is a condition which Burke is deeply critical of.. The above passage suggests that ‘wealth’ or â€Å"surplus† is better spent on the preservation of libraries than on the forms of entertainmen t that appealed to the growing middle classes. The status quo for Burke, is a hierarchy which is not merely constitutional, but also social. His criticism of freedom is thus political and social. Thus, the undermining of authority for Burke, can be understood as extending from both direct (the terror) and indirect forms (cultural, e.g. the ‘nouveau riche’), and in both senses, he regards the consequences as central with respect to what he does regard as the proper political authorit

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Research Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Marketing Research - Coursework Example The Supply chain is now an integral part of the manufacturer base. It is very important to avoid cancelled orders or penalties for late delivery. Process Flow: A logical process flow has been created. This details the outline steps required, to act as a basis for the design of the final version of the Supply Chain model we are going to ultimately recommend. Transportation: It is necessary to develop a transportation technique which will be able to process the predicted supply by the year 2020. This will depend on the forecasting of demand, which at times can be unpredictable. Effective Supply Chain Management: This is closely related to shareholder value. Effective supply chaining management is required, alongside global sourcing strategies to capitalise on the potential margins emerging currently in emerging markets. Product Decline in Oil Industry: The evidence indicates that products of the Oil industry in the immediate future will be handled in declining quantities, but at greater costs. This needs to be addressed via the Supply Chain protocols we intend to instigate. 3rd Party Sourcing of Supplies/Services: The recent trend has been to outsource supplies and services. This can cause problems when there are disruptions to service. Effective Supply Chain Management will enable identification of critical tasks, and the interdependencies with suppliers, in order to provide swift resolution to problems and pre-empt possible future problems in order to avoid them. Supply Chain Leadership: The effectiveness of the supply chain is only as good as the management and control of the service. Technological changes are not in themselves, enough to provide effective and efficient throughput. The greater benefits are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Racial Profiling- Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Racial Profiling- Reflection - Coursework Example his of course led me to research the alternatives and to look at how we could stop the use of racial profiling, while still retaining a positive approach to the reduction of crime and terrorism specifically. I discovered that our history was not extremely bright with regards to the approach to race and criminal justice. Through our past indiscretions and current problems I learned that this was an approach that required drastic change for the future well-being of the criminal justice system in our nation. My desire to pursue and realize true equality met with the reality of our current system and while slowed in my approach I have become more focused on this as an issue that must see relief. I am sickened by the use of racially motivated approaches within the system, and feel very strongly that these approaches can only further hinder our progress and the modernization of the system as it stands today. It is my desire to see an end occur regarding racial profiling and in fact any use of race as anything more than a designator within the current criminal justice system. Overall the information that I discovered in research has allowed me to approach this issue from a completely different angle than I would normally take it. That of history and the desire to be more than our

Sunday, August 25, 2019


LEGAL AND FINANCIAL ENVIRONMENT FOR BUSINESS - Case Study Example The firm is aiming to expand their business so they are going to face complex structure for the employment contracts and recruiting efficient employees. Employment contracts are the most important legal requirement for employing new people in the operational process. Mainly, legal obligation of the firms are outlining different terms like employment conditions, rights of the parties involved, sharing responsibilities and duties among the parties. It is observed that employment contracts of the UK are having two parties like employer and employees (Aggarwal, 2003). Employer: In the current context, Grace and Taylor is the employer party of the employment contract. Grace and Taylor have to be responsible for compensating new and existing employee. In addition, the UK government is empowering local employment with lawsuits. As per the contracts, Grace and Taylor have to evaluate that predetermined employment standards are maintained in the workplace (, 2015). Major terms of the employment contracts are expressed and implied. Employment contract of the Grace and Taylor will be outlining compensation rate. Payment mode or frequencies for the new recruits are also outlined. The statement must include the leave list and absence payment options. The contract statement will outline the number of working days in a week and month. Working hours are also stated to the employee along with the location of joining (, 2015). Employment contract of Grace and Taylor are outlining the employees duties in terms of setting up potential operational targets. In addition, new recruit have to be informed about the particulars of pension scheme of the firms and other additional payments. The statement should be outlining probationary period applied on new recruits. Such contract papers will disseminate the details of termination, regulation and accusation policies of Grace and Taylor (Cohen & Lou, 2012). The UK legislation is using

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Mapping the War of 1812 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mapping the War of 1812 - Assignment Example As well, the economy of the fledgling American state was suffering due to restricted European trading (The Star, 2012). It was in Thames that General Henry Proctor, a British General, took a stand against the advancing Americans. Although small, this battle was to have consequences that affected not only the British and Americans, but also the Aboriginals of Canada. General Proctor had retreated from Detroit as he had little supplies and his military command capabilities were inadequate to meet the needs of the situation or to marshal and guide the forces under his command. The Americans advanced from the south, where they had just won the Battle of Lake Erie under Captain Oliver H. Perry (The Royal Canadian Geographical Society, 2011). Flush with victory, they were a force that General Proctor was reluctant to tackle. Chief Tecumseh, the great Shawnee war chief did not agree with Proctor’s decision to retreat. He feared that the advance of the Americans would adversely affect the Aboriginal communities west of Detroit and in the whole northwest. Proctor assured Chief Tecumseh that the army would make a stand against the Americans and the Shawnee war chief had little choice but to follow him. The Americans landed near Amherstburg and slowly followed Proctor’s retreating forces. Meanwhile, Proctor failed to order the destruction of access points such as bridges. In Thames, Ontario, Proctor took his stand. The Aboriginals were positioned to the right of the British, in the swamp, where, after the British were routed by the Americans and had surrendered, the Aboriginal warriors fought valiantly against the mounted American army. Chief Tecumseh and another Aboriginal leader, Chief Stiahta, were killed in this battle and the Aboriginal warriors were left leaderless and disheartened. Over 200 British soldiers managed to escape to northern Lake Ontario, leaving behind over 600 killed or captured (The

Friday, August 23, 2019

Answering questions one by one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Answering questions one by one - Essay Example There are some theories which claim that there is more gender apart from the female and male version (Halvor, M 1997). Patriarchy is a universally accepted Trans cultural and Trans historical phenomena according to which women are oppressed everywhere by the men in a similar manner. Gender is an important part of the social construction along with gender being a process for stratification system and also a structure. There are day to day processes which are in forced by gender. One gender is different from another one on the basis of process, rituals of the daily life and also the conversations. Stratification is in which men as a group holds greater amount of power and status than women as a group. Women are treated as being some other species as compared to the men. Gender is responsible for dividing the work in the economic production as well as the home production (Litosseliti,L, and Sunderland J,2002). It legitimates the one which are in authority and they will organize the emot ional life as well as the sexuality. The products created, tasks assigned, expectations from the job, value for money is different for both the genders in the society. Gender is something which basically displays women and men both of them to create along with control the workplace (Elizabeth G, 1992). Discourses refer to spoken communication along with the written communication. The denotations it holds include the discourse analysis along with the semantics which is a generalized concept of the conversations which exist in the contexts and also the modalities. There is a totality of the vocabulary which is used and is existent in the field of social practices long with the intellectual enquiry (Epictetus F, Dobbin,J,1998). An example of these can be taken from the religious discourse, medical discourse and also the legal discourse. There is a lot of work which is carried out on discourse and some of the work was carried out by Michel Foucault along with other social theoreticians according to which discourse is an entity of signs along with sequences having enouncements (Symeon, 1980). It is the communication of thought by words, conversations along with various talks which come under intelligent and earnest discourse. It is a formal discussion of a subject which appears in writing along with the speech. It is an integral part of the treatise, sermon and also the dissertation. Discourses are an important part of the linguistics which are an important part of the unit of writing and also speech which is connected (Machiavelli, N 1970) .Enouncement is an integral part of the discourses and it is linked with unit of semiotic signs along with the abstract construction which allows the signs to communicate and assign specific along with the repeatable relations between the objects, statements and also the subjects. This thus concludes that discourse is composed of semiotic sequences which have a relation among the signs which exist between and among statements, s ubjects and also the objects. White people are responsible for creating a dominant image of the world and they totally ignore an important factor that this thing is playing an integral role in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Moral absolutism Essay Example for Free

Moral absolutism Essay The choices we make in our everyday life all have to do with our ethics. In this paper the topic will discuss the similarities and differences between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics. In order to understand the similarities, and differences of virtue theory, utilitarianism, and deontological ethics we must first define them. Virtue theory is defined as a moral excellence. It is a positive trait quality demand to be morally good and is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. It takes the viewpoint that in living your life you should try to cultivate excellence in all that you do and all that others do. Utilitarianism is a theory that suggests that an action is morally right when that action produces more utility for the group than any other alternative. We need to understand what our consequence would be based on our choice. When we make the right choice we will get a positive consequence and are acting morally; if we make the wrong choice the consequences will be acting immorally. Deontological moral is focused on loyalty to independent moral rules or duties. To make the right choices we need to comprehend what our duties are and the rules of our moral perspective. This is a matter of what we view to be moral or immorally based on our beliefs. The similarities between the three theories represent the good in people and how they strive for excellence. The differences are with virtue theory describes a person’s character, cultivating excellence in all we do. Utilitarianism addresses ethical and morality issues by addressing the balance of good over bad consequences. The morality associated with this theory suggests actions that produce a total utility for the group. Deontological ethics have a definition of a definition of a person’s dedication to recognize moral duties. In my current position as an assistant manager I am often put in a situation that includes some type of confidentiality with an associate that falls under me. If I am told about a certain situation that an associate is having in their personal life I have been told in trust and this be unethical for me to tell everyone else what is going on. Also when I have to write up any associate for work performance, that should be kept between me and that associate. For me to be able to keep my word about a particular situation involving any of my associates consist of moral concepts. Values, virtues, and ethics distinguish those actions as being morally right or morally wrong.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Philosophy of Professional Nursing Essay Example for Free

Philosophy of Professional Nursing Essay Nursing as a profession includes a comprehensive strong set of principles, which should be understood and learned by each person, who decides to work in this field. Nursing philosophy, in my opinion, is not merely a philosophy of carative process, but also specific view on the patient. The present paper is designed to discuss my own approach to my profession and the related beliefs. Nursing first and foremost refers to health care, so the major value in this profession is health. I define this term as a state of physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Individuals not always pay attention to their health, even though it substantially influences the quality of human life, so competent specialists are needed to help them understand the importance of health and lead them on their paths to positive individual and social functioning. As a nurse, or health care provided, I normally use Dunn’s approach to health as to maximum wellness, which can be described as â€Å"integrated method of functioning which is oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable within the environment where he is functioning† (Smerke, 1989, p. 154). Individuals tend to engage in energy exchange with their environment and also seek to achieve balance in this process, or simply adapt to the environment. Although individuals strive to achieve balance and maximum functional status, they also actively seek new experiences that may disturb their balance at least temporarily† (Smerke, 1989, p. 155). This means, it is also important to deal with the roots of health dysfunctions such as lifestyle, habits, negative influences of the closest environment, job stress and so forth – I believe, each nurse is supposed to provide recommendations concerning the elimination or minimization of negative external influences and the development of healthy lifestyle, which increases productivity and both physical and psychological balance. Thus, it is necessary to take a holistic approach to health (Andrews and Amphlett, 1995), which would include both the satisfaction of health-related needs and attention to the patient’s individuality, as the final goal of nursing is the maximization of well-being. Speaking about the view on client within the philosophy of professional nursing, it is important to note that the patient â€Å"is a human being who has dignity, worth and the right to quality nursing care delivered with competence. The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the dignity and uniqueness of every individual with attention to the cultural and ethnic diversity of patients and their significant others† (Smith, 1995, p. 11). Individuals operate in dissimilar environments, so different issues might influence their health. Attentive listening and compassion within the basic nursing care might have really therapeutic effects, which will appear motivating to both nurse and health care service user. In addition, mutual understanding between the patient and the nurse are necessary to develop a true partnership in the relationship (Andrews and Amphlett, 1995), this aspect especially relates to the work with children, who often have fear of health services, hospitals and specialists in the corresponding uniform and thus refuse to cooperate. The respect for patient’s dignity includes non-judgmental approach to the client’s lifestyle and cultural sensitivity. The nurse is not entitled to be a spiritual teacher, and should be tolerant enough to avoid accusing patients of their health problems, such professionals, as I believe, should rather inspire patients to develop healthy habits rather than demonstrating strong dissatisfaction. Nurse’s role is not limited to the assistance in carrying out doctor’s orders, as they are often supposed to make their own decisions, as the number of unpredicted and unexpected situations is huge in the sphere of health care. I deem, nurses should also be advocates for patients, as they deal with service users much more closely than doctors and thus are welcome to suggest certain changes in the process of health care and discuss them with therapists (for instance, therapists not always notice that patients also require professional psychological counseling, so nurse should not hesitate to talk about this situation). I believe, nurses should also provide counseling in health care and, being prepared for work in the globalized society, they should take into consideration the client’s cultural background and their personal values, through which it is easier to articulate the necessity of adherence to certain recommendations. Furthermore, globalization also determines the need for social activity among nurses, as wellness and well-being might be threatened by dissatisfactory living conditions like poverty, against which they are encouraged to act, creating unions and associations. Working in health care teams, nurses also act as managers and team leaders, with respect to their competencies and skills. In the modern society, nursing should rely upon the specialist’s professionalism, or the ability to use the skills, learned in the course of education, depending upon the situation. Professionalism also involves the responsibility for human life and health (Smith, 1993), as nurses often have much freedom in health services and thus should be flexible enough to apply the knowledge of various disciplines where they are relevant. I believe it is also necessary to renew and enrich the knowledge; for his purpose, nursing includes the research of professional literature. To sum up, my own philosophy of nursing was developed to great extent owing to education (including self-training), as it was necessary to find out more about different approaches to health care and select the set of principles, with which I am completely consistent and to which I can adhere as a specialist. My philosophical views, as one can conclude, are comprehensive, as I take into consideration such issues as holism in health care, professional contact with patients, nurse’s roles, multiculturalism and research.

Network Installation Proposal

Network Installation Proposal The purpose of this document is to specify the project plan to setup Network Infrastructure for Heath Robinson Web Hosting Company. This document outlines a brief plan about, on how the project is to be shaped and also includes the milestones and deliverables. Heath Robinson Web Hosting Company has acquired second floor in a building, in East Anglia Industrial Estate. The project deliverable is to design and implement the overall setup, which includes refurbishing/construction, Software design and development, Network design and implementation, Hardware and Software testing. The Project plan for time management, cost estimation, resource planning and roles and responsibilities needs to be provided as part of the deliverables. Project goal Objectives The high level goals and objective of the project is to efficient evaluation of the required planning, methodology and approach to achieve the following scope of work Investigating requirements of new installations of required equipment, network cables and software needed for running the network system Constructing/refurbishing the acquired buildings where new equipment will be installed; This part of the project is contracted to a building company and managed by the construction manager who is a part the project team Designing the network for the new building based on the business requirements of the company Investigating and purchasing appropriate hardware and other equipment required for the new installation Developing the software required for the network system Installing the network and computers in the new building Testing Hardware and Software Assumptions and Constraints As the Project Manager for the Project, I have the defined target time for the project completion. The Project needs to start from 1st of April 2010 The Project execution should be in 30 day The approved project budget from the Management is  £200, 000 The Financial Advisor, who is part of the project, has advised a budgetary costing of  £500, 000 to be fixed for project. Any deviation from the approved budget needs approval from the Management committee. Project Deliverables The list of project deliverables is as follows Project Management Plan Cost Estimation Project Feasibility Construction /Refurbishing Software Design and Specification Network Design and Implementation Hardware Software Testing The Team Roles Responsibility The Project Team consists of the 10 members, each from a specific domain and with precise skill set. Each resource will be responsible for completing their task and reporting back to project manager. As the Project Manager the task here is to submit a project proposal for approval by the Company Managerial Committee, with a detailed feasibility analysis report, in particular the economic feasibility of the project, supported with financial calculations of the net profit, payback / bread-even period, return on investment, net present value and internal rate of return for the project. The Roles and Responsibility of the 10 individuals is as follow 1 computer hardware specialist responsible for hardware-related task 1 financial advisor responsible for control financial resources available to the project 1 network designer responsible for designing the network for the company 2 software developers for developing software required by the new installation 2 office assistants, one in charge of purchasing computers and other hardware equipment and the other dealing with paperwork in the office and produce project-related documents 1 construction manager responsible for building and refurbishment work 1 software testing engineer 1 hardware testing engineer Tasks Activity and Miles stones Cost Estimation / Time Management The Project Manager along with the Financial Advisor has come up with the following Cost estimation. The Following are the cost allotted for various activities, which would be one time setup cost, Capital expenditure. Material Cost Cost Allotted Construction ( Material)  £ 30,000.00 Network (Servers, Desktop, Cabling)  £ 20,000.00 Software Development ( Licenses)  £ 20,000.00 Testing( Software hardware)  £ 15,000.00 Office Maintenance  £ 5,000.00 Other Services  £ 5,000.00 Total Cost  £ 92,000.00 The following are the cost allotted for resources, Operational Cost (Direct cost) Resource Resource Cost /Per Month Construction manager  £ 5,000.00 Software Engineer (2)  £ 15,000.00 Hardware Engineer  £ 4,000.00 Network Engineer  £ 6,000.00 Testing Engineers (2)  £ 7,000.00 Office Assistant (2)  £ 2,500.00 Financial Advisor  £ 8,000.00 Total Cost  £ 47,500.00 The following are the cost allotted for office maintenance, Operational Cost (Indirect cost) Utility Cost /Per Month Electricity  £ 750.00 Sanitary  £ 400.00 Stationary  £ 300.00 Maintenance  £ 500.00 Petty Cash  £ 500.00 Total Cost  £ 2,450.00 The Total Project Costing Costing Total Material Cost  £ 92,000.00 Resource  £ 47,500.00 Administration Cost  £ 2,450.00 Total Cost  £ 142,500.00 Project Execution Activity List The whole project execution will be divided into sub- category of activities The Project Execution is sub-divided into following sub -tasks Construction Hardware structure Cabling Network Design Implementation Software Design Coding Testing Construction The Construction is the first task of the project. The activity will begin from the 1st of April and estimated time from is one week. The Construction Manager is designated to take the complete responsibility of planning the construction activity and over look all the activities. The following list of activities will be done during the constriction phase Floor plan Roof and ceiling construction Painting and carpentry Provide Water, Electrical, Pressure air and gas services Install Cabinets Install Wall Cabinets Paint Cabinet Paint Walls Ceilings Hardware structure Cabling As per the project plan, Five Servers will be installed in the server room and the required cabling and racks need to be installed in the switch room. The Hardware engineer along with Network Engineer will be planning the activity and the requirements are as follows No of Data Ports 30+ 5 No of Voice Ports 30 ports No of Redundant ports 30ports The structured cabling activity is planned to start from the 2nd week , 7th of April 2010 and estimated to complete by 10th of April 2010. Network Design Implementation The Network design activity starts parallel to the structured cabling activity and the implementation would kick off as soon the server room wiring is complete. The Implementation activity would start from the 3rd week of April 2010 and estimated to complete in 5 days. The Network is designed using industry standard Star topology. The New floor requires Voice, Data and Video wiring and electronic facilities to support newest form of telecommunications. The Switch room, which houses the Servers, Networking equipments (Switches, Routers, and Firewalls) connects to the each terminal (Desktop) via Horizontal Cabling. The option for Vertical Cabling can be enabled in future for connecting multiple switch rooms The list of activities is as follows Network design Server Installation and mounting Server application configuration Domain and Active directory setup User profiles setup Access privilege creation Network Overview Heath Robinson Web Hosting Company Software Design Coding The software developers will be assigned the task of designing the software customized to the requirement. The Design and coding activity is intended to start from mid 3rd week after the servers are configured and installed. The activity is estimated to take 5 days. Two Software developers were appointed for creating bespoke software that is tailored specifically to companys need as it is a web hosting company the software were used are .net, Java, PHP and C++.The software developers are skilled on various programming languages and are proficient in design and development of the bug free software. The list of activities for the software developers team is as follows Software design Software coding Software compiling Software Release Testing One hardware testing engineer and software testing engineer were appointed their responsibilities is to setup of test processes including hardware and software deployment, provide technical support and training when required advanced testing, performing complex diagnostic tests on faulty computer. Software testing technician execute test plans to evaluate the performance of software applications and information and telecommunication systems. The Testing will be done by 2 Engineers, one will be conducting Software Testing and the other will be conducting Hardware Testing. The activity will be handled by each individual post Hardware and Software implementations. The Software Testing activity will include Code review Design Review Test Plan Manual Automation Testing Code tweaking and Regression Hardware Testing Activity will include System Definition System Testing Fault Testing Load Testing Office Assistant: The 2 Office assistant were appointed for essentially do whatever office tasks are needed so that the professional doesnt have to. One office assistant will purchase hardware needed to the office and other will do paper works. The Project plan Time Management Project Futuristic Aspect The success of any project is based on few parameters which portrays the efficiency of the project in terms of the objective achieved and sets bench marks for the future project undertaking The followings are very important from the project efficiency point of view Return of Investment Net Present Value Break Even Point The calculations of the above are as follows with respect to the project Return of Investment (ROI) Net Present Value Return of Investment is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments with respect to a project. To calculate ROI, the benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost of the investment; the result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio ROI = Gain from Investment Cost of Investment __________________________________ Cost of Investment Net Present Value or NPV is used to decide financial viability of an investment. The difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows. NPV is used in capital budgeting to analyse the profitability of an investment or project. Here the NPV and ROI are calculated. The following tables show you the NPV and ROI value. The Project cost and the profit for next five years is as follow. A 30% growth is assumed for our calculation Taking the above The return on investment formula: ROI = Gain from Investment Cost of Investment __________________________________ Cost of Investment ROI = 10,82,725 554,000 - 554,000 = 1.21 Return on investment is a very popular metric because of its versatility and simplicity. That is, if an investment does not have a positive ROI, or if there are other opportunities with a higher ROI, then the investment should be not be undertaken Break Even Point for the First year First year Sales  £1, 75,000 First year Cost (Direct + indirect)  £50,000 Yearly Net Cash Flow Cumulative Net Cash Flow = Yearly Net Cash Flow  £1,75,000  £50,000 = 1,75,000 = 0.79 BEP (1 year) Payback Period: The cumulative cash flow curves above show roughly the point in time when the cumulative cash flow breaks even, that is, when cumulative incoming returns exactly balance cumulative outflows. This point in time (point on the horizontal axis) is Payback period .The payback period is 1 years RISK ASSESSMENT The Risk assessment and the mitigation measure are very important for smooth completion of the project. The Risk assessment phase is carried out at the initial planning phase of the project .The risk assessment need to be continuously monitored and updated throughout the life of the project INITIAL PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT CONTROL PLAN Requirements Control Plan When changes are to be made in the requirements after the project plan has been released, the changes shall be brought to the attention of the committee and discussed. Any changes that are to be made will be with the prior approval of the committee and only if feasible and permissible within the constraints of the project mentioned Schedule Control Plan If the work scheduled gets behind, the stake holder is ready to spend extra time on the project in between and after the schedules and also to make up for the lost time and deliver the final project on time. Budget Control Plan Any changes to the budget need to be updated to the management committee Quality Control Plan The Project Manager will be assessing the quality of work for each of teh stake holder and will ensure that the required level of quality is achieved in the given time frame Closeout Plan All the details about the post-mortem debriefings, report on the lessons learnt, project objectives and the milestones achieved would be mentioned as part of the Project documentation at the end of the project. The analysis and the lessons learnt will be used for future project success.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How an Individual Positions Themselves for Marketability :: Job Market Employment Careers Essays

How an Individual Positions Themselves for Marketability With an unstable business environment and competitive job market individuals are finding it more difficult to acquire or maintain a way of life they have been accustomed to. Unfortunately this change is occurring faster than society would like to believe or can keep up with. The days of working for one company until retirement is one of rarity. Technological advancements, global competition, lack of leadership and foresight all play a part in the instability of the job market. Company mergers, acquisitions, reorganization, hostile takeovers, and just going out of business can happen regardless of tenure, or years of service. Individuals who lack a degree will find themselves at a disadvantage if ever unemployed or looking for a promotion. With a growing rate of unemployment, and need for skilled labor, employers are more selective in their choice of potential candidates and may overlook a qualified individual for one that possesses a degree. Although this practice may seem unjust or short sighted, it happens everyday. How an individual accepts this reality and positions themselves for future marketability is the focus of this argument. According to The Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw, Harvard University, Thomson South Western publishing 2004, many studies have documented that the earnings gap between workers with high skills and workers with low skills has increased over the past two decades. A man with a college degree can earn up to 89% more than one without, for woman the figure is about 70%. The incentive to stay in school is as great today as it has ever been. Throughout the 70’s and 80’s students could graduate from high school with a promising future and many joined the labor force without attending college. Unfortunately as the market changes and the need for skilled labor increases, many adult workers are now faced with a decision. More and more high school students are moving on to college and the labor pool is becoming more skilled and competitive. Although years of experience can be used to combat this reality, many employers do not grant an interview unless a degree is presen t. If an individual becomes unemployed or would like to be considered for a promotion the percentage of success is rapidly decreasing. There are programs available for the working or unemployed adult. Many college institutions have recognized this phenomenon and have developed programs to meet the needs of adult students.